County Fair Evangelism


It’s the FAIR! Who doesn’t like going to the Fair! The smell of the animals, the sounds of the carnival rides and don’t forget all the wonderful smells of FOOD! But that is not why members from the Fond du Lac Seventh-day Adventist Church were at the fair. As a church, we set up a booth at our local county fair each year with the purpose of telling people about our Lord Jesus Christ. In 2021, we were given the opportunity to have a booth at the Fond du Lac County Fair on our own due to others not needing the space. The only problem we had was that the County Fair Board was unsure if there was even going to be a fair due to Covid until quite late. We had to hurry to get our materials in place, but God was good to us, and we did well. Thankfully, we had more time to prepare and plan for 2022, so this year was even better.

As a church, we designed a banner, in fact we designed two, for us to use at our fair booth. One had our church name and the other one was to promote the health message. We brought literature to share, but didn’t forget the most important part, KIDS! This year we wanted to bring people to our booth by drawing parents in with their kids. So we bought balloons, coloring books, activity books, faith bracelets, pins, and small animals with Bible verses attached to them. We also gave out copies of Our Little Friend magazine. One thing we were able to give out to people both big and small was donated from 3ABN, It Is Written, and Voice of Prophecy – 200 each of their tote bags. That was a total of 600 tote bags! As fairgoers came by our booth, we were able to give out these tote bags with literature and fun items for the kids.

One day into the fair, a member helping out at the booth wanted to try another approach. Mitchell Mally taught himself the art of making balloon animals! So the kids had a choice of a balloon on a stick or a balloon animal! We also set up a drawing for a Bible or New Testament on CD for the adults and a Bible for the kids. Those who receive the Bible and CD will also receive a Bible Study as well as everyone who put their names in the drawing box. There were only five children who put their names in the drawing for the Bible, so we decided to send each one a Bible, which will also have a Bible study included.

We went to the fair with two cars full of literature, Bibles, and items for kids. We came back to the church with less than one car of leftover materials. God blessed us greatly!

We plan to find more items to give away to get our name out to the public to let them know we are here in Fond du Lac. We want to offer our services to help people learn about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We desire His will be done that we will be able to get the word out about His soon coming.

Pictures and story by, Vickie Mally, Fond du Lac Church Community Service Leader